Welcome To The Diamond Age

by Mike Levin

Thursday, May 05, 2022

I there Kiddo. I missed the 11:00’s yesterday. But here I am. I am ALWAYS thinking about you. I’m glad you went on that Scouts camping trip last weekend. I don’t want you to miss out on anything… opportunities over there or time with me. So I’m moving back to Staten Island. Another weekend was cut-out this coming one, right when you were asking for additional days to make up for last one. That hurts. I know it must hurt you too, but I want you enjoying all the activities your mother is scheduling in for you through the weekends.

So I’m moving back. Whether something is good or bad is all in the state of mind. This is good. Being out here in the Poconos has served it’s purpose. Trampolines. Ziplines. Go-carts. Canoeing. Snowboarding. Fresh mountain air and the general cure for the times… none of it as important as being right there for you when you need me. We can always jump in the car and go on our adventures. This is your 11 to ~13 year-olds. After that you may not even be interested in doing this stuff with your ‘of dad anymore. I’m all-in while you’re at the age of Dorothy, Alice, Harry and Nell so long as you want King Coyote on the sidelines.

If you want to hear one of the best stories ever written, I recommend Diamond Age. It’s in our Audible. It will take more than one listen. It’ll be a bit hard to understand. And there’s some naughty language and considerable adult situations later on in the story. But chances are you’ll get bored and move on before you get to it. But if you do listen, you’ll be hearing one of the greatest stories every written, and I believe the Alice/Dorothy of our time, although plenty of people think Harry Potter is that. I don’t. I think it’s Diamond Age. But only read it if you want to learn about subversion.

The Diamond Age